Level 6, OT1 Lobby, Block A, Saigon Royal Tower, 34 – 35 Ben Van Don Str, Ward 12, District 4, HCMC
(+84-28) 38207690 | (+84-28) 38207692 | (+84-28) 38205700
Creating event is an Art. Managing event is a Science.
Always looking for unique and creative ideas, Brand2 MICE conveys messages, stories into events in an artistic way to make a strong impression on the image of the brand in the market.
Brand2 MICE communicates content, clear and accurate event messages to deliver special, meaningful experiences and properly demonstrate brand strategy through specific publications.
The designs are not only attractive, eye-catching, making a strong impression at first sight but also show throughout the event's core idea and identify with the brand identity system.
With over 20 years of experience, we always ensuring each steps, every details takes place smoothly and synchronously to bring success to the event.
Over 80% of our clients become strategic partners.
We have been working together for many years through many projects.